Thursday, July 31, 2008

Blogging: Attempt #1: The introduction

I will make no presumptions of my own ability to keep up with the blogosphere. I'm a veteran message boarder, journal reader, conversation lurker, Myspacer, Facebooker, and Friendster-er, so why not add "blogger" to the list, right?

So, we'll start with an introduction. This is me:

I'm the one on the left. The one on the right is my shadow, progeny, chatterbox, mimic-son, Michael, henceforth to be referred to as Bug. My name is Denise and I'm 29. Yes, I'm REALLY 29. Not *wink*29*wink* or celebrating the anniversary of my 29th birthday or anything. I was born in 1979, which means on my last birthday, I had 29 candles on my birthday blackberry pie.

That's the day that I decided that I want to be happy about turning 30. I don't want to dread the "big 3-0", in fact, I want to revel in the newness that a new decade provides. Once you hit 21, the only exciting birthdays left are the 5s and 0s. I want 30 to be fun, exciting, and something I look forward to for weeks leading up to the big day. I want it to be a BIG DAY. Hear that Husband? I expect a celebration of life. Balloons. Food. Friends. Alcohol. Someone to take Bug when I'm teetering on the edge between "funny" and "drunk." Note to self: email this blog to The Husband.

Speaking of The Husband, this is him, or more accurately, this is him, with me, and Bug. His name is Mike, henceforth to be known as The Husband:

We've been married for 5.5 years, and he's 29, too. However, as he's likely to remind you, his birthday is 6 months after mine. What he doesn't remember is that HIS 30th Birthday Bonanza will be a reflection of my own 30th Birthday Bonanza, so it better be good.

And so, as I hope to end all blogs, I will end this one with what I'm happy to be today. Sometimes it will be "breathing" and other days it will be "a mom." Today, I'll just say, I'm happy to be me, and all that it entails.

1 comment:

Mary E. Hart said...

I hope your 30th birthday is everything you want it to be and so much more. :)